Unlocking the Potential of 3D Data for Cultural Heritage


Runtime: 01.02.2025 – 31.07.2026
Type of Action: DIGITAL Simple Grants
Project Number: 101173385

For years, the limited availability of high-quality 3D content has been a bottleneck for XR (Extended Reality) and 3D applications in cultural heritage. While large-scale datasets have become more accessible, their usability remains restricted due to inconsistent quality, fragmented metadata, and lack of interoperability.

The 3DBigDataSpace project aims to revolutionize the landscape of 3D cultural heritage by significantly expanding the availability of high-quality 3D models within the common European data space for cultural heritage. By integrating datasets from multiple providers and aggregators, the project will establish stable, long-term storage solutions for 3D models and their related data—including original models, sensor raw data, and 3D viewer derivatives.

Enhancing Cultural Heritage with AI and XR Technologies

To maximize the usability of these vast 3D resources, AI-driven data enrichment technologies will be employed to improve searchability, contextualization, and reusability of content. These enriched datasets will serve as a foundation for 3D Virtual and Augmented Reality Viewers and 4D world applications, unlocking new possibilities for immersive heritage experiences.

Bringing 3D Cultural Heritage to Life

The impact of 3DBigDataSpace will be demonstrated through pilot applications in museums, local heritage networks, and cultural routes. Additionally, educational programs and outreach initiatives will ensure that a broad range of stakeholders—heritage professionals, educators, researchers, and the public—can effectively utilize and benefit from these advancements.

By bridging the gap between 3D data availability and practical application, the 3DBigDataSpace project is set to transform cultural heritage experiences, making them more accessible, interactive, and future-ready. Stay tuned for updates as we shape the future of digital heritage!

Project Partners

Time Machine Organisation (AT) (Coordinator)Stichting Europeana
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Inception S.r.l.
IN2 Digital Innovationsrooom AG
European Historic Houses The Hunt Museum
Fondazione Bruno KesslerConferencia de rectores de las Universidades del suroeste europeo 
Universidad de VigoInstytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk


For further information contact Jun. Prof. Sander Münster (Coordinator) at sander.muenster@timemachine.eu.

Project News

This project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority [Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This project additionally receives funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).