Cultural heritage and computer graphics

Call for Papers: Computer Graphics International (CGI2022) – Workshop on Cultural Heritage

Paper submission deadline: 5 June 2022
Conference date: 12-16 September 2022
Conference venue: Online

From 12-16 September 2022 the annual ‘Computer Graphics International’ (CGI) conference will be held virtually, organised by MIRALab (University of Geneva) and the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). CGI is one of the oldest annual international conferences on Computer Graphics in the world. Researchers are invited to share their experiences and novel achievements in various fields of Computer Graphics.

Within the frame of the renowned conference, a designated workshop will be held, focussing on topics related to preservation and conservation of cultural heritage.

Topics of expertise

The conference committee has issued a call for papers to fill the workshop with high-quality presentations covering one or more of the following areas:

Tools and Applications:
  • Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in CH
  • Motion capture and motion retargeting for CH
  • Multimedia, Multilingual, Data Management and Archiving
  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data
  • Digital Data Acquisition Technologies in CH
  • Novel Internet-based CH Applications
  • Interface Design for CH Applications
  • Portals and Digital Libraries of CH
  • Game Technologies in CH
  • e-Museum
  • e-Libraries and e-Archives in CH
  • Storytelling and authoring tools for CH
  • Mobile AR systems to study Cultural Heritage
  • e-Learning in CH
  • e-Infrastructures on digital libraries applications
  • Tools for Education, Documentation and Training in CH
  • Reproduction Techniques and Rapid Prototyping in CH
  • CAD and FEM based Digital Reconstructions and 3D Modelling
  • Facial and body animation in CH
  • Visualization Techniques (Desktop, Virtual and Augmented Reality)
  • Gesture and action recognition for CH applications
  • Audio space in CH
Archaeology and Historical Research:
  • Digital/Virtual Documentation of Archaeological Excavations
  • Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research
  • Remote Sensing for Archaeology and CH Management & Monitoring
  • On-site and remotely sensed data collection
  • Archaeological Analysis and Interpretative Design
  • Ancient Cloth modelling and animation
  • Reconstruction of virtual cities of the past
  • Modelling of groups and crowds in CH
  • Simulation of scenes of the past involving Virtual Humans
  • Generation of virtual ancient populations

Note: Submission deadline is 5 June 2022 and the review process double-blind. More information concerning submission and content can be found via the link below.