Digitisation of built heritage at risk

CIPA Summer School 2025

The baroque castle of Heiligenkreuz-Gutenbrunn (about an hour’s drive from Austria’s capital of Vienna) will be the center of buzzing activity from 20-25 May 2025, hosting the 14th installment of the CIPA Summer School. Additionally, 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of ICOMOS!!

Under the lead of the Department for the History of Architecture and Building Archaeology of the University of Technology Vienna, and in close cooperation with ICOMOS, ISPRS, CHNT ICOMOS Austria, and supported by Time Machine Organisation within the frame of the currently running Digital Europea project “3DBigDataSpace“, young scholars, emerging professionals and all who wish to broaden their horizons are invited to participate in this week-long, hands-on experience.

A Hands-on Learning Experience in Heritage Documentation

How can digital technologies help safeguard historic sites that are at risk? The CIPA Summer School 2025 invites young scholars, emerging professionals, and heritage enthusiasts to explore cutting-edge methods in heritage documentation and risk assessment at the historic Heiligenkreuz Castle – a remarkable site currently facing a variety of challenges due to its lack of a dedicated function.

What will you gain from the Summer School?

Work with a High-Resolution 3D Dataset for Risk Assessment: Heiligenkreuz Castle has already been extensively documented, providing an exceptional opportunity to compare and analyze multiple data sets. Participants will learn how to use these datasets to assess deterioration, structural vulnerabilities, and potential conservation strategies. Furthermore, the integration of this data into the common European data space for cultural heritage will be showcased.

Hands-On Training in Heritage Documentation: Learn advanced techniques in photogrammetry, laser scanning, and data fusion while working directly on-site.

Focus on At-Risk Heritage: Understand the challenges of preserving sites without a dedicated function and explore how digitization can contribute to their future sustainability and conservation.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Connect with professionals and researchers from surveying, architecture, history, conservation, restoration and digital humanities to explore new methods and applications for heritage documentation.

A Unique Learning Experience in a Historic Setting: Set in one of Austria’s remarkable historic sites, this week-long programme offers both practical and theoretical sessions, fostering a deep understanding of digital heritage preservation.

Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional looking to expand your skills, the CIPA Summer School 2025 is your gateway to gaining useful insights into the developments in heritage documentation and risk assessment!

Note: upon completion of the Summer School you will be awarded a certificate of attendance (equivalent of 3 ECTS credits, respectively 45 hours).

Who will be instructing you?

Within our 14th CIPA Summer School you will be, as always, in the best hands! We are happy to announce the enrolment of the following renowned specialists to act as your tutors and facilitators:

Ulrike Herbig (Technical University Vienna, Faculty for Architecture and Planning) Organisational Lead

Get to know Ulrike Herbig…

Ulrike Herbig has been a member of ICOMOS Austria since 1996. She studied geodesy and completed her doctorate at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Vienna University of Technology under Professor Peter Waldhäusl, founding member and honorary president of CIPA and honorary member of ICOMOS International. Since 2003, she has been managing the Institute for Comparative Architecture Research (IVA-ICRA). Ulrike Herbig is currently the representative for research coordination and international relations at the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning at TU Wien. She has been leading the monitoring group for the UNESCO World Heritage cultural landscape ‘Fertő/Neusiedlersee’ for ICOMOS Austria since 2012 and has been the spokeswoman for the monitoring group of ICOMOS Austria since 2018.

Reach out to Ulrike at herbig@icomos.at.

Prof. Andreas Georgopoulos (National Technical University Athens, Laboratory of Photogrammetry)

Get to know Andreas Georgopoulos…

Andreas Georgopoulos is basically a Surveyor Engineer, who fell in love with Photogrammetry about 40 years ago. Hence he obtained his MSc and PhD (UCL) on this subject and afterwards he chose to teach it to younger students of Surveying as a Professor at NTUA, Lab of Photogrammetry. Cultural Heritage and Monuments are his second love and all these years he is trying to make the one work for the other with some success. He teaches Photogrammetry and Monument Recording to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Surveying and Architecture. His research activities include all kinds of contemporary optical methods for geometrically documenting monuments of all sizes. Among others, he has worked for the geometric documentation of Knossos (in Crete), of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in Jerusalem), of the Dafni Monastery (in Athens), of monasteries on Mount Athos, Byzantine Churches in Cyprus and many more monuments all over Greece.

Prof. Mona Hess (University of Bamberg, Chair for Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation)

Get to know Mona Hess…

Mona Hess has graduate degrees in architecture from Munich University of Technology, heritage conservation from University of Bamberg, both Germany, and a PhD in 3D imaging metrology for cultural heritage from University College London (UK) in 2015. She has a 19-year-experience in interdisciplinary research projects for 3D imaging metrology and digital documentation for cultural heritage buildings and museum artefacts. Since 2017 she is full professor and course director for the new M.Sc. in Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation at the University of Bamberg, Germany, and was vice-womens’ officer of the university 2019 to 2022. She is also co-chair at the Centre for Innovative Applications of Computer Science and vice-chair at the Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT) at the University of Bamberg. She has published papers and book chapters in the cultural heritage and geomatics community (CIPA and ISPRS) She has been an expert member at CIPA since 2019. She is on the executive committee of CIPA from 2024 as Commission Chair for Education and Dissemination together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Georgopoulos.

Prof. Dörte Kuhlmann (Technical University Vienna, Faculty for Architecture and Planning)

Get to know Dörte Kuhlmann…

Dörte Kuhlmann works at the Building History and Building Research Department at TU Wien. She studied architecture in Hanover and Vienna and completed her doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar in 1998. In 2002 she habilitated with the Venia for Architectural Theory in the research area of Building History and Building Research. Her teaching and research activities include design studios focussing on building in existing contexts and the examination of the historical building heritage and vernacular architecture in Austria. In addition to numerous teaching and research stays in the USA, Kosovo and Germany, she was a member of the Salzburg Design Advisory Board from 2009 to 2012. Her publications include The Art of (Re)Creation (2016), Basics Methoden der Formfindung (Springer 2016 co-author) Space, Time & Difference (Routledge 2013), Wooden Boxes (Luftschacht 2011), Wood with a Difference (edition selene 2009). In 2023 she worked for ICOMOS Austria as deputy treasurer.

Prof. José Luis Lerma (Universitat Politècnica de València, Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry)

Get to know José Luis Lerma…

José Luis Lerma is a Full Professor at the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. He is an Engineer and Doctor in Geodesy and Cartography. Prof. Lerma is a specialist in imaging and 3D scanning. He has extensively published scientific papers and learning manuscripts in subjects related to 2D/3D imaging, range-based devices and multispectral sensors in cultural heritage, engineering, metrology and medicine. Nowadays, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Virtual Archaeology Review, a member of the Executive Committee (Commission Chair – Technologies for Cultural Heritage Geometric Documentation) of CIPA Heritage Documentation, Head of the Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Research Group (GIFLE), and Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Geomatics Engineering (UPM-UPV).

jun. Prof. Sander Münster (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Department of Digital Humanities; Time Machine Organisation)

Get to know Sander Münster…

Sander Münster is junior professor for Digital Humanities (images/objects) at the Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena (DE). He received his PhD in educational technology from the Technische Universität Dresden (DE), where he studied history, education and business. Until 2019 he headed the Department for Media Design at the Media Center at the TU Dresden and the junior research group UrbanHistory4D and has been a Young Investigator at the Faculty of Education at the TU Dresden.

His research fields are mobile 3D interfaces, scientometrics and research methodologies in Digital Humanities and heritage. He has worked extensively in the areas of research dissemination and innovation support. The related positions he has held include: co-convenor of the workgroup for Digital Reconstruction of the German Association for Digital Heritage, spokesman of the German network on “3D reconstruction methods for architectural history” and head of the workgroup “Partnering with international organisations” in the Virtual Multimodal Museum EU network.

Since the beginning of 2024 he is an elected member of the CIPA Heritage Documentation executive board, co-chairing the Permanent Commission “Application of Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for Cultural Heritage”.

Prof. Fulvio Rinaudo (Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design), President of CIPA Heritage Documentation

Get to know Fulvio Rinaudo…

Fulvio Rinaudo is full professor of Geomatics at the Architecture and Design Dept. of the Politecnico di Torino. With a Ph.D. in Geodetic and Cartographic Sciences, he is author of more than 260 papers both in national and international reviews and centres his research activity in the domain of digital photogrammetry and the applications of Geomatics for the documentation of Cultural Heritage assets. He is Chair of the ISPRS’s WGII/8 “Data Acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage”, member of the CIPA-HD Executive Bureau, co-editor of the reviews Applied Geomatics (Springer) and Virtual Archaeology review (UPV), scientific responsible of the Laboratory of Geomatics for Cultural Heritage (Politecnico di Torino). He teaches GIS and Modelling for Cultural Heritage at Politecnico di Torino, and at the Università degli Studi di ROMA “La Sapienza” the national PHD course in Earth observation.

Prof. Dimitrios Skarlatos (Cyprus University of Technology, Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Technology)

Get to know Dimitrios Skarlatos…

Dimitrios Skarlatos is Professor in the department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics in Cyprus University of Technology. Part of his research is focusing on UAV archaeological site mapping and 3D recording of CH objects, such as monuments and museum exhibits. He is the lead surveyor in Mazotos shipwreck, underwater excavation, since 2010 and has been involved in two more shipwreck’s 3D reconstruction. Prof. Skarlatos has successfully coordinated iMARECULTURE, a Research and Innovation project (RIA), under a call for virtual museums. The project focused in promoting maritime cultural heritage, through several XR applications and serious games. He is the EuroSDR academic delegate of Cyprus (since 2010), co-chair in ISPRS WG II/7 for Underwater Data Acquisition and Processing (2016-2026), and CIPA Commission Chair for Technologies for Cultural Heritage Geometric Documentation (2024-2027).


20.05.2025TuesdayArrival, Welcome and Social Dinner
22.05.2025ThursdayField Work
23.05.2025FridayField Work
24.05.2025SaturdayData Processing
25.05.2025SundayData Processing, Group Presentations, Data Publication

How to Apply

Find more information on how to register, participation fees and other relevant information here:

Who makes all of this possible?

This Summer School is a joint activity by:

The project “3DBigDataSpace” is co-funded under the Digital Europe Programme (project number 101173385) of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority [European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA)]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This project additionally receives funding by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).