Date: 22-25 March 2023
Venue: Šibenik (City Library and Interpretation Centre of St. James Cathedral)
Registration: here
ICARUS Croatia in collaboration with ICARUS, the project E-ROUTES, the State Archives in Šibenik and other partners will host the 8th issue of the ICARUS Croatia Days under the title Enhancing heritage experience – exploring cultural routes.
The conference is organised within framework of the Creative Europe project Time travel routes through Europe – E-ROUTES and addresses the growing need to present and promote scattered cultural heritage and contemporary artistic production related to travel experience in Europe both in the past and in the present time. Following the idea that modern travellers seek quality information with added value such as points of interest, natural, cultural, and historical monuments valuable for visits along the route, the conference objective is to connect international professionals in cultural, heritage, tourist and educational sectors, and academia. The aim is to provide a forum for delivering new approaches and best practices in engaging the public through GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) collections which can be used in the context of cultural tourist routes.
The conference programme is more or less final – make sure to check out our Time Machine related presentations, such as Gustavo Nogueira (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena) presenting our common project C4Education in the afternoon of 23 March and other relevant presentations on topics ranging from cultural tourism projects and applications, to digital collections etc. in the context of cultural routes.