Interreg EURO_MED: Thematic Strategic Territorial projects

  • Action type: Interreg EURO_MED
  • Opening date: 18 June 2024
  • Closing time: 26 September 2024 13:00 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Budget per project: € 4 000 000 of total € 28 000 000
  • Estimated number of projects funded: 10
  • Project duration: 45 months
  • Official website


These projects should respond to the needs and joint challenges of a specific type of territory addressing identified strategic topics. Thus, they primarily produce a territorial impact, based on involving all relevant stakeholders to trigger tailor-made solutions or strategies in line with the territory and the topic chosen. Those should be adapted for the targeted type of territory and be able to influence national, regional or local policies by studying (developing), testing and transferring jointly developed solutions or strategies.

For this purpose, thematic strategic Territorial projects shall combine: conducting studies, testing solutions and transferring results.

Programme priorities and specific objectives

Projects must be aligned with the Programme priorities (Priority 1: A Smarter Mediterranean & Priority 2: A Greener Mediterranean) and its specific objectives as follows:
The candidates must choose one mission to focus their project on.
The call will be carried out in 2 phases: pre-application and full application. Only projects proposals selected at the end of the pre-application phase will be able to apply to the full application phase.
European Territorial Cooperation projects are projects co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds. The Programme brings together partners from 69 regions of 14 countries from the Northern shore of the Mediterranean


In the framework of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme, the Interreg grant (ERDF and IPA) represents 80% of the total eligible budget of the project; the remaining 20% of the budget is therefore borne by the partners who must ensure the co-financing of their activities by other sources of funding (own funds, private funds or national public funds).

New project idea for: Interreg EURO_MED: Thematic Strategic Territorial projects

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