Visegrad Fund

  • Action type: Visegrad Grants & Visegrad+ Grants
  • Opening date: 1 February 2025
  • Closing time: 1 June 2025 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Total budget: € 4 500 000
  • Project duration: 18 months
  • Official website


Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund, aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) via supporting ideas for sustainable regional cooperation. Every proposal must involve an active partnership of the applicant and project partners from at least three different V4 countries. Bilateral cross-border cooperation of at least 2 organizations from 2 neighboring V4 countries also qualify for support with projects taking place within a 40km radius from the border and focusing on a local issue.

Visegrad+ Grants support projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and the Eastern Partnership regions (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). Projects must develop meaningful cooperation and ensure active involvement of at least 3 V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and 1 entity from the EaP region or the Western Balkans countries at minimum, regardless of the applicant. Visegrad+ Grants should be implemented in the EaP or WBs region, and/or have a strong impact on local communities in at least one of those countries.


Projects must clearly address one of the objectives of the program’s seven focus areas:

1.Culture and Common Identity


It is possible to submit only one project application for each deadline. A grantee can have a maximum of two running projects at the same time in different grant schemes (e.g. applicants having a running Visegrad Grant may apply for Visegrad+ Grants or Strategic Grants).

Although there is no strict limitation for the size of the financial support you can apply for, the project budget is usually between €20.000 and €60,000 euros. Each submitted proposal is evaluated on its on merit, taking into account the potential outreach and impact of the project, the elaboration of the grant budget in the “Outputs” section and adherence to the “value-for-money” principle.

New project idea for: Visegrad Fund

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