Since September 2022 the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europen (ARCHE) consortium, including TMO, is working on a holistic approach to cultural heritage research and innovation, aiming to engage all cultural heritage actors in the EU member States and Associated Countries in the co-design of research and innovation strategies and roadmaps that lead to research and innovation initiatives requiring multidisciplinary approaches and skills.
The team has now started a consultation process on the Vision and Mission to guide the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for cultural heritage which is an essential part of the project . The process, open to everyone until 4 February 2024, invites respondents to choose from three options for the Vision and two possibilities for the Mission, and to leave feedback, via this survey link below.
Why is this important?
The SRIA aims at guiding policy coordination across Europe, as well as set the priorities for future calls for project proposals within the Alliance, hence it is crucial for it to be as representative as possible and for the consultation process to include all relevant stakeholder categories.
A Vision in an organisational strategy sets out what the world will look like if you achieve the mission that serves your purpose.
A Mission in an organisation strategy sets out the inspirational and aspirational outline of the problem it is seeking to solve and how are we going to make that vision a reality.
So, please share your opinion and help co-shape the new Agenda!