Digitization of collections Cadastral maps Urban History GIS / HGIS
POPPKAD takes care of the digitisation of the famous nineteenth-century Atlas of cadastral maps of Belgium by Philip-Christian Popp, which contains more than 2000 maps and 30,000 register pages spread across 1736 volumes. The project also built a real estate database of mid-19th-century Belgium, based on the Popp atlas. It includes, among many other Belgian localities, the data-enriched cadastral GIS of cities like Bruges (1862) and Ghent (1850). The landownership database currently already holds 450,000 cadastral items with 540,000 surnames originating from 1006 municipalities (focused on four Belgian provinces: Antwerp, Brabant, Hainaut and East Flanders). POPPKAD is a project of the Quetelet Center.
Project partners
Lead partners
Associated partners
Other partners
- Artevelde University College Ghent