Job Offer

Postdoctoral researcher in the field of Spatial History

The Department of History in the Faculty of Arts, University of Antwerp, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of Spatial History. 
“DiplomatiCon – A connected history of Medieval Mediterranean Diplomacy: The Mamluk Sultanate, Italy and the Crown of Aragon (14th-15th century)” is a research project funded by the Excellence of Science programme of the F.R.S -FNRS and the Research Foundation flanders – FWO. It is a collaboration between University of Antwerp and University of Liège, with the UniMol, UniBo, and the IMF-CSIC.

A full-time contract as a postdoctoral researcher for a period of 14 months (max 25 months if fitted in the UA Bursay requirements) is offered. 

Deadline for applications: March 1, 2025.