
Sander Münster to be part of the CIPA Executive Committee

Great news for TMO Secretary, Junior Professor Dr Sander Münster: the Digital Humanities Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena has been elected to the executive board of CIPA Heritage Documentation, one of the oldest scientific committees of the international organisation ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites).

CIPA Heritage Documentation is an international non-profit organisation that is structured with an Executive Committee, where Sander is part of now, the three Permanent Commissions, various Sustaining Members, and many regular and expert members related to the diverse areas of interest of the heritage community:

  • recording, documentation and information management;
  • cultural heritage information systems;
  • digital image processing;
  • surveying methods;
  • archaeological objects, monuments, sites and landscapes.

Together with Minna Silver from the Finnish University of Oulu, Sander will co-chair the Commission on the recording, documentation and information management of cultural heritage until the end of his term of office in 2027. Sander has been part of CIPA/ICOMOS since 2013 and has been involved for over ten years as an expert in the digital modelling of historically significant buildings.

“I am delighted with the trust placed in me by the members and looking forward to supporting the further development of the CIPA as best I can.”

For the interdisciplinary researcher, the new role is the ideal complement to his international research activities. His research projects have long focussed on the preservation of cultural heritage and with his work in the committee, he aims to better linking digital heritage and digital humanities:

“There are many connecting points in the various communities utilizing digital technologies in humanities and heritage which could provide a base for synchronisation and synergies.“


Sander Münster studied economics, history and educational science and did his doctorate in the field of educational technology. “Digital 3D technologies for humanities research and education” was the topic of his habilitation thesis which he submitted in 2021. Since 2019, he is Junior Professor of Digital Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. His main research areas are among others digital 3D Reconstructions, 3D digitization of cultural heritage and visual research processes.