Mag. Daniel Jeller is an Austrian historian and information technology expert and the head of digitisation and IT at ICARUS, the International Centre for Archival Research in Vienna. His work, apart from managing the digitisation and IT services at ICARUS is currently focussed on digitisation technologies and the effects of the so-called Digital Age, the increased use of computer technologies in every aspect of life, on the study of history and auxiliary sciences of history.
He started pursuing this topic while working as digitisation technician for ICARUS, where he was employed during his studies at the University of Vienna. The experiences he made during the various digitisation projects resulted in his master thesis “Archival material in the age of its digital reproduction” at the Department of History in Vienna.
Additionally, he is the code repository and metadata manager for the Monasterium Project, the biggest portal on medieval and early modern charters and acted as work package leader for “WP3 – TM Operations” in the Time Machine CSA Project. He was also the lead developer for the ProDomo Project. In 2019, he was co-leader and lead developer of the NAMPI-Project, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.