22 January | TUtheSky
On 22 January 2020 the TU Vienna, ICARUS and the Austrian National Library invited interested stakeholders to join a workshop that informed on the current status quo of the Time Machine project as well as its institutional framework, the Time Machine Organisation (TMO). Moreover, the event informed on groundbreaking Austrian projects in the field of technology and cultural heritage.
Event language: German
The workshop will take place at TUtheSky, Getreidemarkt 6, 1060 Vienna.
The Time Machine project
The Time Machine project is by far the most ambitious and far-reaching project ever undertaken with Big Data of the Past. The project is an international collaboration revolutionizing the way we experience European history and culture by creating a map of European history spanning thousands of years. This open-source, vibrant resource will benefit everyone, from academics to industry, arousing interest in the future generation of humanities scholars, transcending the boundaries of science and technology, and enabling the public to explore their own past.
For further details on the Time Machine project, please follow the links below:
The Time Machine Organisation
The Time Machine Organisation (TMO) is the recently founded leading international organization for technology, science and heritage collaboration that supports the goals of the Time Machine project as its institutional framework. The TMO is an internationally oriented association under Austrian law head quartered in Vienna. Thus, the association welcomes all interested legal entities dealing with science, technology and cultural heritage to join the network and proactively co-shape the course of the Time Machine project.
Session 1:
Time Machine – Groundbreaking Technologies for the Cultural Heritage of Europe

Session 2:
Pioneering Projects from Austria

Session 3:
Trend-Setting Applications from Austria

All photos © CVL TUWien
In Other News
JOANNEUM RESEARCH has published an article (in German) on the event on their website recapitulating their innovative solutions on documentation, preservation and use of cultural heritage.
The Topotheque is a platform which makes local, historical relevant material and knowledge kept in private hands accessible online in cooperation with the local popluation. This international community is partner of Time Machine and attended the Info Day. Read their review (in German) via the link below.