TMO’s 2nd Webinar on Project Scouting and Third Party Services – online now!

After the success of our first webinar on Local Time Machines, the second edition going live on Monday, October 19th 2020 was set out after a similar fashion.

This time TMO’s Vice-President Thomas Aigner and Project Scouting Service Mastermind and TMO Treasurer Sander Münster were introducing TMO’s strategy and success stories relating to specific services for our members (and reaching out to interested third parties/local authorities etc.).

TMO’s founding and regular members are entitled to the services offered by the Project Scouting Team, that is continuously evaluating and scanning for appropriate supporting opportunities (funding on EU or regional level, matchmaking of TMO members and consortia, etc.) for upcoming and running project ideas that relate to our Time Machine vision.

The webinar has been recorded and can be found on our YouTube-channel. Find here also the presentation and the testimonials:

Don’t miss our third webinar on Monday, October 26th 17:00 – 18:00 CET, with TMO President Fréderic Kaplan and TMO Chief Technical Officer Daniel Jeller explaining how the TMO intends to implement, monitor and evaluate the actual building of a Time Machine…